2013年12月18日 星期三

Highclere Castle

2012/02/03 10:07



The State Rooms

The Saloon

The Saloon is physically and socially the heart of the house. It was designed for the 4th Earl by Thomas Allom in a gothic style with rich decoration and completed in the 1860's.

The remarkable wall coverings are made of leather. They were brought back from Cordoba, Spain by the 3rd Earl and date from 1631. They were hung here in 1862.

There are matching panels in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam

The State Dining Room

The room is dominated by Van Dyck's great equestrian portrait of Charles I. Either side are portraits of Carnarvon ancestors who took part in the civil war in England in the 1640’s.

The Library

The double library was in its heyday during the late Victorian period. At this time, it was used by the 4th Earl of Carnarvon as a "withdrawing" room.

The Earl was an active Tory in Parliament, a member of Disraeli's Cabinet in the 1860's and 1870's. Here he could discuss politics with friends or retire in peace.

There are over 5,650 books, the earliest dating from the 16th century.
It is used a great deal by the family today to gather in before and after lunch or dinner.

The Music Room

It is a wonderful south-facing room with views towards two follies: Jackdaw's Castle to the east and Heaven's Gate at the summit of Siddown Hill.

The baroque ceiling was painted by Francis Hayman in the 1730’s whilst the walls are hung with Italian 16th century Italian embroideries.

The Drawing Room

In 1895, Alfred de Rothschild gave his daughter Almina bolts of green French silk from which to decorate this lovely south facing Drawing Room.

Narrow cupboards between the double doors from the Drawing Room to the Smoking Room hid the 5th Earl of Carnarvon's collection of Egyptian antiquities.

The Smoking Room

Dutch paintings from the 17th Century represent some of the earliest works of art brought to Highclere by the Carnarvon family. Early 19th Century art from a Grand Tour, hang high on the walls, whilst others link to family cousins at Wilton House, together with some of the portraits in the Dining Room.

Upstairs & Downstairs


The Bedrooms

There are 11 bedrooms on the first floor, some of which can be seen by visitors, and 40-50 on the next floors which are no longer used and cannot be viewed by visitors. They have been gradually refurbished by the 8th Countess over the past 5 years, using prints and drawings from the archives recording some of the visitors and history here.

The opulent Stanhope bedroom is decorated in rich red, recalling its decoration for the visit of the Prince of Wales in December 1895. The Dressing Room next door has just been redecorated.

The Arundel bedroom and its dressing room were used as an Operating Theatre and Recovery Room respectively during the First World War, when Almina, the 5th Countess, (with Lord Kitchener's blessing) turned the Castle into a military hospital, heading the nursing staff herself.

Mercia bedroom is noted for the charming four-poster bed decorated with 18th century silks and matching furniture.
Quite a few of the bedrooms are used for the filming of Downton Abbey.


The stone staircase behind the green baize door leading from the Saloon, winds up three floors and down to what were the old staff dining rooms, the cellars, sitting rooms, utility areas and kitchens.
当前城堡站立在一个更加早期的房子的站点, 反过来被修造在温彻斯特的主教的中世纪宫殿的基础, 拥有这个庄园从第8 个世纪。 1692 年, , 律师和学院朋友 , 遗赠了豪宅在Highclere 给他唯一女儿, Margaret 。 她的第二个儿子, , 被继承的Highclere, 开始了它的图片汇集, 和创造了庭院寺庙。 他的侄子亨利・赫伯特被制作了 Porchester 男爵 并且Carnarvon 的第1 伯爵由国王 乔治III.
在那些岁月, 房子是一个正方形, 古典豪宅, 但它被改造了和所有除了重建为第三伯爵 查尔斯・巴里先生 1839 年到1842 年在他完成了修造之后 . 它是在伊丽莎白女王的样式和面对在巴恩石头。

www.barriedownie.com/ index.php/wedding-photog...


Lady cora 原型Carnarvon伯爵五世夫人Almina

Lady cora 原型Carnarvon伯爵五世夫人Almina,她曾在第一次世界大战中,将唐顿庄园(海克利尔城堡)变成了战地医院,在战争期间她不仅无微不至的救治伤员


2011-01-17 15:01 艺龙旅游指南

Castle and Gardens of Mey

Palace of Holyroodhouse

Hever Castle

英国皇家游艇“大不列颠号” (Royal Yacht Britannia)
利思港(Port of Leith),苏格兰。英国女王陛下伊丽莎白二世从前使用的皇家游艇。
肯尼沃斯城堡(Kenilworth Castle)和伊丽莎白花园(Elizabethan Garden) 肯尼沃斯(Kenilworth),英格兰沃里克郡。 这里曾经是英国女王伊丽莎白一世的挚爱罗伯特•达德利伯爵(Robert Dudley)的住所。为了打动他的爱人伊丽莎白一世,1575年,罗伯特•达德利伯爵在城堡内修建了一座华丽的花园,即伊丽莎白花园。目前,这座隐匿了400年的花园经过重新修葺,又一次开门纳客。
梅城堡及花园(Castle and Gardens of Mey )
皇家认证持有人协会(Royal Warrant Holders Association)
皇家认证持有人协会代表的是持有经女王陛下、爱丁堡公爵殿下和威尔士亲王殿下授予的皇家委任认证的个人和企业。目前共有850名认证持有人,其中包括:福南特和梅森(Fortnum and Mason)百货公司(皮卡迪利大街)、阿斯顿•马丁•拉宫达(Aston Martin Lagonda)、卡地亚(Cartier)、巴宝莉(Burberry)、君皇仕(Gieves and Hawkes)等。
格林威治区(Borough of Greenwich)
作为2012年英国女王登基六十周年钻石大庆(Diamond Jubilee)的庆祝活动之一,伦敦格林威治区将加入一个名为“皇家自治区“(Royal Boroughs)的精英团。 皇家自治区的其他成员包括肯辛顿、切尔西、金斯顿(Kingston)、温莎和梅登黑德(Maidenhead)。皇家自治区地位仅被授予与英国君主制度有着久远的历史渊源的自治区。格林威治自治区也是英国一些顶级旅游景点的所在地。此外,格林威治还被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产地,格林威治标准时间与本初子午线、国家海事博物馆(the National Maritime Museum )、皇家天文台(the Royal Observatory)、卡蒂萨克号帆船(Cutty Sark ,2012年翻修后将重新启用),以及旧皇家海军学院(Old Royal Naval College)等都位于格林威治区。
奥斯伯恩庄园 (Osborne House)
怀特岛(Isle of Wight),英格兰汉普郡。奥斯伯恩庄园是当年维多利亚女王(Queen Victoria)和阿尔伯特亲王(Prince Albert)最钟爱的度假场所,这对著名的皇家爱侣曾在此度过了一生中最美妙的时光。
皇家赫布里底公主号(Royal Hebridean Princess)
海克利尔城堡和花园(Highclere Castle and Gardens)
海克利尔城堡建于维多利亚时代,是英格兰地区景色最优美的城堡之一,城堡坐落在一片占地1000公顷的广阔草地上。自1679年起,卡纳丰家族(The Carnarvon family)一直在此居住。维多利亚女王统治早期,海克利尔城堡在大变革中经历了重建。最近,电视连续剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)的上映更是让海克利尔城堡人气大增。2011年2月将开始在海克利尔城堡拍摄该电视剧的第二部。
荷里路德宫(Palace of Holyroodhouse)
利兹城堡(Leeds Castle)
梅德斯通(Maidstone),英格兰肯特郡。这里一度拥有“世界上最可爱的城堡”的美名。它最初被列入末日审判书(Doomsday Book);利兹城堡迄今已有900多年的悠久历史,曾经作为中世纪6位英国王后的皇家住所,英王亨利八世也一度将这里作为皇家行宫。利兹城堡目前隶属于历史建筑群联合会(Historic Houses Association)。
伦敦通行证(The London Pass)
持有伦敦通行证的游客可以免费参观伦敦的一切与皇家相关的景点。另外不要忘了,您还可以购买大不列颠遗产通票(the Great British Heritage Pass),免费参观英国各地许多皇家旅游景点。
海韦尔城堡(Hever Castle)
海韦尔,英格兰肯特郡。亨利八世的妻子安妮•博林(Anne Boleyn)的儿时故居。
阿伦德尔城堡(Arundel Castle)
阿伦德尔,英格兰西苏塞克斯郡。城堡是诺福克公爵(The Dukesof Norfolk)的封地,坐落在占地40英亩的一大片草地和花园之间,城堡分季节向游客们开放,至今已有将近200年的历史。 它是英格兰地区最壮观的城堡之一。拥有公爵爵位的人世袭英国纹章院院长(Earl Marshal of England)的职位。也就是说,公爵负责主持国家仪式,如君主的加冕仪式和送葬仪式,以及由君主宣布的各项国事活动等。
卡纳封城堡(Caernarfon Castle)
卡纳封,威尔士格温内斯郡(Gwynedd)。卡纳封城堡是英国国王爱德华一世(King Edward)在位期间改建而成的一座城堡,曾经计划用作皇家住所和北威尔士地区的封地。1284年,英国的第一位威尔士亲王就诞生在卡纳封城堡。1969年,这里举行了现任英国王储查尔斯王子“威尔士亲王”的受封仪式。此外,卡纳封城堡也是北威尔士地区三个世界遗产地之一,其他两个为博马利斯城堡(Beaumaris)和哈里克城堡(Harlech)。

