2013年11月15日 星期五

The Gramercy Park Hotel ***NY


分類:my travel
2012/01/16 10:16



(文 =黃尹嬋 圖片提供=Gramercy Park Hotel)打開Gramercy Park Hotel的大門,血紅色天鵝絨沙發、哥德式的華麗玻璃燈,加上Andy Warhol的畫作,這樣藝術性十足而充滿電影張力的旅店空間,如此詭譎的氛圍,讓人誤以為自己闖進了哪部電影的場景。
精 品旅館界教父級的人物Ian Schrager與美國當代藝術家Julian Schnabel兩人聯合出手,讓80年的老旅店變身躍為曼哈頓downtown最熱門的旅館,不但名列Conde Nast Traveller 2007年The Hot List之中的「hottest」之選,就連Dolce & Gabbana都直說在Gramercy Park Hotel飯店看到的新式巴洛克風格是他們2008年春夏系列的靈感來源。 Gramercy Park Hotel是第一家(也是唯一一家)直接隸屬於Ian Schrager個人公司旗下的旅館,有人形容它的風格,不存在於過去人們所體驗過的任何旅館之中,那是一種全新的基因,改寫了目前市場上精品旅館的遊戲 規則,將精品旅館提升至個人化主義的新紀元。Gramercy Park Hotel原創性的風格何來?其實是源自Ian Schrager對於名牌文化的反對。


當 所有人都用力擁抱主流、以名牌來包裝自己作為某種身分的象徵的同時,Ian Schrager在社經與文化界打滾40年的歷練,讓他看透所謂「設計旅館」的流行法則只有表皮而缺乏思想;因此他決定反其道而行,打破常規的手法,成功 地重新塑造出為數不少的旅館與夜店,而Gramercy Park Hotel又是這些傑作之中,最離經叛道、帶有濃厚的Ian Schrager個人色彩的旅店。「做你自己,建立自己的觀點,不要跟隨規則或團體,在這裡沒有什麼真正的主流或流行,因為任何事物在這裡都是主流,這家 旅店永遠都是這樣地以一種高尚而有文化氣息的形式,展現它波西米亞式的放蕩不羈。想想Humphrey Bogart或是Peggy Guggenheim吧!這些藝術家,這些充滿創造力的人們,才是我心目中真正的紐約客,我希望讓這樣的精神永存。」Schrager說。


步 入大廳與公共空間內,出自20世紀的偉大藝術家們如Cy Twombly、Andy Warhol、Damien Hirst的大幅油畫高掛於壁面,訂製的威尼斯玻璃吊燈與奇特的燈籠也一同懸吊在空中,摩洛哥式的瓷磚、手織的地毯、回收再利用的廢棄木材、工匠親手雕刻 的義大利壁爐、紅色天鵝絨帷幕,這些鮮豔華麗有如歌劇場景般的視覺效果與藝術作品,是藝術家Julian Schnabel對於波西米亞風格的新詮釋,他巧妙地將超現實主義的物件和百年老古董隨性地放置在一起,就如同將傳統的詞彙轉換為一種另類的新語言,形成 超乎想像的空間氛圍。


Rose Bar與Jade Bar是整個紐約最令人興奮的地方,也是Gramercy Park Hotel實踐波西米亞精神的中心,因為在酒吧內Ian Schrager堅持不提供Bottle service,讓人們可以不分高低貴賤自然地交流,像是義大利城市中的廣場上,總是聚集了各色的人種,肆意發表自己的言論,這裡就是文化的沙龍。 Julian Schnabel讓公共空間內大膽、奇異的獨立精神也蔓延至套房內,185間套房沒有一間是相同的,但都擁有如調色板上的飽滿色調,與各領域的藝術作品收 藏。Gramercy Park Hotel最棒的地方在於它率先提出的服務概念,Ian Schrager為了讓旅館的服務比視覺上的印象更加突出
the Gramercy Park Hotel, reimagined and unveiled by design partners Ian Schrager and Julian Schnabel in the winter of 2006, is definitely a transformative trip for design followers.

bear with me! Hope you enjoy it

Off the lobby are the Rose and Jade Bars, opulent little coves perfect for after-midnight cocktails. The Rose bar is so-called after Guns 'n' Roses' Axl Rose played in there. Pretty cool, no?
The Boy and I were lucky enough to stay in the Loft on the Penthouse floor - a decadent but eclectic suite complete with a kingsize bed, office area, walk-in wardrobe and beautiful bathroom. There was a serious gravitas about the room - oak wood floors, plush jewel-tone furniture and imported rugs - but it also seemed to have a dark sense of humour; a kind of Tim Burton-esque undertone that made everything seem a bit dreamlike and hyper-real. No doubt symptomatic of being the brainchild of artist and filmaker Julian Schnabel, whose creations also grace some of the walls.
I loved the mini bar set in a custom mahogany English drinking cabinet. It was the most comprehensive I've ever come across, featuring everything from a martini-shaker to a baseball cap. Well, why not? The staff also left a stack of books in the room, and informed me that in-room massages and spa treatments could be arranged should I so wish.

iPad: Apple
iPad case: Stella McCartney
The only thing I love more than a gorgeous hotel bathroom is a fabulous back story. The hotel was built in 1925 on the site of flamboyant architect Stanford White's home. It's seen Humphrey Bogart marry his first of four wives here, as well as JFK and his family living on the second floor for several months before they moved to London. The hotel's website says: "...it was the headquarters for high bohemia, where artists, adventurers and bonvivants rubbed elbows." Good enough for me.

The terrace was the perfect breakfast spot - half indoors, it boasts a retractable roof 16 stories above the city and struck the ideal balance between buzzy and relaxed. Exactly what you need before you head out onto the subway...

I'm wearing: Jeans: New Look, Slippers: Dune, Belt: Vintage, Top: J.Crew

