all gone and will fade away
2012/11/05 13:45
Casablanca star and his son
2012/11/14 11:53
IT WAS A POIGNANT HOMECOMING when Stephen Bogart, accompanied by his mother, Lauren Bacall, visited the 14-room whitewashed brick house in the Holmby Hills area of Los Angeles during the summer of 1993. He had last set foot in the place in 1957, a few months after his father, Humphrey Bogart, died there at 57 of esophageal cancer. Soon after, Bacall packed up Stephen, then 8, and his sister Leslie, 4, and moved to London and later to New York City. Visiting the house again, Bogart thought he recalled his father, in a trim suit, smiling at him from a stairway landing. Bacall broke the spell: The staircase scene was from a Bogie film. "I'd seen him so much on the screen, that's who he was to me," says Stephen. "I couldn't separate one from the other."
- 亨弗莱·鲍嘉(Humphrey
#Humphrey Bogart #Gone #Sweetheart #Sorry #Left me Sometimes,” says Stephen Bogart from his home in Naples, Fla., “I can’t believe I ended up being the son of Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall.’’
IT WAS A POIGNANT HOMECOMING when Stephen Bogart, accompanied by his mother, Lauren Bacall, visited the 14-room whitewashed brick house in the Holmby Hills area of Los Angeles during the summer of 1993. He had last set foot in the place in 1957, a few months after his father, Humphrey Bogart, died there at 57 of esophageal cancer. Soon after, Bacall packed up Stephen, then 8, and his sister Leslie, 4, and moved to London and later to New York City. Visiting the house again, Bogart thought he recalled his father, in a trim suit, smiling at him from a stairway landing. Bacall broke the spell: The staircase scene was from a Bogie film. "I'd seen him so much on the screen, that's who he was to me," says Stephen. "I couldn't separate one from the other."
英格麗﹒褒曼生和死在同月同日 |
86年前的8月29日,被譽為“好萊塢第一夫人”的國際影星英格麗 褒曼生于瑞典的斯德哥爾摩。當她在瑞典已小有名氣的時候,美國的大制片人大衛 塞爾茲尼克邀請她到好萊塢拍片。這時的褒曼24歲,憑著驚人的美貌和非凡的演技,褒曼迅速成為好萊塢的大紅星,她美麗端庄,嗓音迷人,表演輕松自然。在銀幕上為觀眾們留下許多值得紀念的經典電影以及一個個令人難忘的美好形象。 |
#Quo Vadis#Robert Taylor#Marcus
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and Some of his Beloved
and Some of his Beloved